
cherry chocolate biscotti

In baking, culinary experiments, desserts, snacks, sweet treats on 02.01.12 at 7:28 pm

so i’m still on my homemade biscotti kick… perhaps it has a little something to do with the newest addition to my kitchen — my very first coffeemaker. or perhaps it has something to do with my sweet tooth and my love of chocolate. whatever the reason, homemade biscotti and a fresh cup of joe are mfeo. that’s geekspeak for meant for each other. don’t judge me. ;)

on a recent trip to my fave cheese shop in town, i picked up some dried cherries and felt inspired to try out a new flavour combo with my biscotti. cherry chocolate goodness. oh yes.

adapted from savoring every bite

– pre-heat oven to 350F

the dry ingredients:
whisk together the following ingredients in a medium prep bowl
– 2 cups all-purpose flour
– 1/2 cup whole-wheat flour
– 1.5 tsp baking powder
– 1/2 tsp salt

the batter:
mix together the following ingredients with a stand mixer until well combined
– 1/4 cup sugar
– 1/4 cocoa powder
– 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter (at room temperature)

– add 2 large eggs (beaten) to batter
– add 1 tsp pure vanilla

– once eggs and vanilla are mixed into the batter, gradually add the dry ingredients mixture to the bowl.
– using a spatula, fold 1/2 cup dried cherries (chopped)
– fold ingredients together until well combined
– add 1 large egg (beaten) and 1/2 cup water (optional, if your batter is drying out too much)

bake the biscotti:
– lightly dust your hands with flour before handling the dough
– divvy dough into two long logs on a baking sheet lined with cooking parchment paper
– bake biscotti logs on baking sheet at 350F for approx 25min or until lightly toasted
– remove from oven & allow to cool on rack for 10min
– reduce oven temperature to 325F

– move the biscotti logs onto a cutting board
– slice logs evenly on the diagonal
– place the biscotti slices onto the lined baking sheet
– bake biscotti slices for approx 15-20min at 325F
– remove from oven & allow to cool completely

food styling:
– store in an airtight container
– perfect for dipping with lattes, hot chocolate or a cup of your fave tea

adapted from savoring every bite

quick poll: what is your fave biscotti flavour?

  1. We’ve never made chocolate biscotti, must remedy!


  2. Those sound delicious! Cherry and chocolate? How can you go wrong? My favorite is Cranberry Pistachio. (Recipe on my blog, if interested.) I made them for the first time over Christmas, and they were perfect.


  3. This sounds perfectly delicious! And I’ve never seen dried cherries in biscotti but it makes total sense.


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