
peach mango smoothie

In breakfast, brekkie, brunch, culinary experiments, gluten-free, snacks, spa food, sweet treats, vegetarian on 05.18.11 at 10:23 pm

do fruity iced drinks make you daydream about chillaxing in a hammock on some island paradise? do they take you to your happy place?

peaches & mangoes do that for me. this fruit-infused, peach mango smoothie recently brought some rays of sunshine to an otherwise gloomy, cloudy morning… so simple, yet so refreshingly happy. perfect reason why you should have some frozen fruit in your freezer at all times! :)

blend well:
– 1/2 cup frozen peach slices
– 1/2 cup frozen mango chunks
– 1.5 cups low-fat organic plain yogurt
– 1/3 cup skim or 1% milk

(tip: for a vegan version of this smoothie, swap out the skim milk for almond milk instead. skip the yogurt, and add 1 sliced banana to add some smooth creaminess. no need to add crushed ice, since the frozen peaches & frozen mango chunks will already add enough moisture.)

  1. Looks so fresh and delicious. And to answer your question, YES, this smoothie has got me daydreaming about relaxing on the beach right now!


  2. […] peach mango smoothie […]


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